My uncle jumped up from the desk, loving him more than he loved any other man in the world, and through him loving the lost nation, the multitude dead, and the multitude living in every alien corner of the world.

Inhale and Exhale (1936) - Antranik and the Spirit of Armenia

My uncle jumped up from the desk, loving him more than he loved any other man in the world, and through him loving the lost nation, the multitude...

My uncle jumped up from the desk, loving him more than he loved any other man in the world, and through him loving the lost nation, the multitude...

My uncle jumped up from the desk, loving him more than he loved any other man in the world, and through him loving the lost nation, the multitude...

My uncle jumped up from the desk, loving him more than he loved any other man in the world, and through him loving the lost nation, the multitude...