I shall strenuously endeavor to be modern, I can only beg you, if I fail to come within hailing distance of the advance guard of present-day zoologists, to remember that the range of adaptability in all organisms, even zoologists, is very limited.

Essays in Physiological Biology, Essay I (p. 4)

I shall strenuously endeavor to be modern, I can only beg you, if I fail to come within hailing distance of the advance guard of present-day...

I shall strenuously endeavor to be modern, I can only beg you, if I fail to come within hailing distance of the advance guard of present-day...

I shall strenuously endeavor to be modern, I can only beg you, if I fail to come within hailing distance of the advance guard of present-day...

I shall strenuously endeavor to be modern, I can only beg you, if I fail to come within hailing distance of the advance guard of present-day...