"Any graduate of the ___ Business School should be able to beat an index fund over the course of a market cycle."
Statements such as these are made with alarming frequency by investment professionals. In some cases, subtle and sophisticated reasoning may be involved. More often (alas), the conclusions can only be justified by assuming that the laws of arithmetic have been suspended for the convenience of those who choose to pursue careers as active managers.

William F Sharpe, "The arithmetic of active management." Financial Analysts Journal 47.1 (1991): 7-9.

Any graduate of the ___ Business School should be able to beat an index fund over the course of a market cycle. Statements such as these are made...

Any graduate of the ___ Business School should be able to beat an index fund over the course of a market cycle. Statements such as these are made...

Any graduate of the ___ Business School should be able to beat an index fund over the course of a market cycle. Statements such as these are made...

Any graduate of the ___ Business School should be able to beat an index fund over the course of a market cycle. Statements such as these are made...