William Baumol Quote

The price-tax conditions necessary to sustain the Pareto optimality of a competitive market solution under the assumed convexity conditions are tantamount to standard Pigovian rules, with neither taxes imposed upon, nor compensation paid to, the victims of externalities.

p. 45; Cited in: Vatn, Arild, and Daniel W. Bromley. "Externalities-a market model failure." Environmental and resource economics 9.2 (1997): 135-151. - The theory of environmental policy, 1988

The price-tax conditions necessary to sustain the Pareto optimality of a competitive market solution under the assumed convexity conditions are...

The price-tax conditions necessary to sustain the Pareto optimality of a competitive market solution under the assumed convexity conditions are...

The price-tax conditions necessary to sustain the Pareto optimality of a competitive market solution under the assumed convexity conditions are...

The price-tax conditions necessary to sustain the Pareto optimality of a competitive market solution under the assumed convexity conditions are...