Warren Ellis Quote

A million fucking message boards, email, Twitter, any number of free tools, being limited only by time and your imagination? If I'd had the internet in 1988 I WOULD OWN AN ENTIRE COUNTRY BY NOW AND WOULD PUT HUNDREDS OF YOU TO DEATH EACH DAY JUST FOR FUN AND IT WOULD BE THE LAW

Warren Ellis In Warren Ellis.com, entry 7955, comment 298257

A million fucking message boards, email, Twitter, any number of free tools, being limited only by time and your imagination? If I'd had the internet...

A million fucking message boards, email, Twitter, any number of free tools, being limited only by time and your imagination? If I'd had the internet...

A million fucking message boards, email, Twitter, any number of free tools, being limited only by time and your imagination? If I'd had the internet...

A million fucking message boards, email, Twitter, any number of free tools, being limited only by time and your imagination? If I'd had the internet...