Walter E. Williams Quote

I personally believe that economics is fun and valuable. People who say they found it a nightmare in college just didn't have a good teacher-professor. I became a good teacher-professor as a result of tenacious mentors during my graduate study at UCLA. Professor Armen Alchian, a very distinguished economist, used to give me a hard time in class. But one day, we were having a friendly chat during our department's weekly faculty/graduate student coffee hour, and he said, "Williams, the true test of whether someone understands his subject is whether he can explain it to someone who doesn't know a darn thing about it." That's a challenge I love: making economics fun and understandable.

Economics for the Citizen

I personally believe that economics is fun and valuable. People who say they found it a nightmare in college just didn't have a good...

I personally believe that economics is fun and valuable. People who say they found it a nightmare in college just didn't have a good...

I personally believe that economics is fun and valuable. People who say they found it a nightmare in college just didn't have a good...

I personally believe that economics is fun and valuable. People who say they found it a nightmare in college just didn't have a good...