Walter Bagehot Quote

In such constitutions [as England's] there are two parts…first, those which excite and preserve the reverence of the population—the dignified parts…and next, the efficient parts—those by which it, in fact, works and rules.

The English Constitution (1867) 'The Cabinet'

In such constitutions [as England's] there are two parts…first, those which excite and preserve the reverence of the population—the dignified...

In such constitutions [as England's] there are two parts…first, those which excite and preserve the reverence of the population—the dignified...

In such constitutions [as England's] there are two parts…first, those which excite and preserve the reverence of the population—the dignified...

In such constitutions [as England's] there are two parts…first, those which excite and preserve the reverence of the population—the dignified...