Red-in-red repetitions never going
Away, a little rusty, a little rouged,
A little roughened and ruder, a crown The eye could not escape, a red renown
Blowing itself upon the tedious ear.

Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction (1942) - It Must Give Pleasure

Red-in-red repetitions never going Away, a little rusty, a little rouged, A little roughened and ruder, a crown The eye could not escape, a red...

Red-in-red repetitions never going Away, a little rusty, a little rouged, A little roughened and ruder, a crown The eye could not escape, a red...

Red-in-red repetitions never going Away, a little rusty, a little rouged, A little roughened and ruder, a crown The eye could not escape, a red...

Red-in-red repetitions never going Away, a little rusty, a little rouged, A little roughened and ruder, a crown The eye could not escape, a red...