Wahbi Al-Hariri Quote

After I finished my books, I felt I had to do another one and I thought that if I were to choose a subject, it had to be mosques.

In: Lisa Kaaki (2002-01-25). Wahbi Al-Hariri - the last of the classicists. Arab News. Saudi Research & Publishing Company.

After I finished my books, I felt I had to do another one and I thought that if I were to choose a subject, it had to be mosques.

After I finished my books, I felt I had to do another one and I thought that if I were to choose a subject, it had to be mosques.

After I finished my books, I felt I had to do another one and I thought that if I were to choose a subject, it had to be mosques.

After I finished my books, I felt I had to do another one and I thought that if I were to choose a subject, it had to be mosques.