Vladimir Arnold Quote

In the last 30 years, the prestige of mathematics has declined in all countries. I think that mathematicians are partially to be blamed as well—foremost, Hilbert and Bourbaki—the ones who proclaimed that the goal of their science was investigation of all corollaries of arbitrary systems of axioms.

Interview translated from the Russian into English and republished in the book Boris A. Khesin; Serge L. Tabachnikov (editors), Arnold: Swimming Against the Tide (2014) Google Books preview pages 4–5.


In the last 30 years, the prestige of mathematics has declined in all countries. I think that mathematicians are partially to be blamed as...

In the last 30 years, the prestige of mathematics has declined in all countries. I think that mathematicians are partially to be blamed as...

In the last 30 years, the prestige of mathematics has declined in all countries. I think that mathematicians are partially to be blamed as...

In the last 30 years, the prestige of mathematics has declined in all countries. I think that mathematicians are partially to be blamed as...