In a word, the opinions of learned authors, though their bodily forms are absent, gain strength as time time goes on, and, when taking part in councils and discussions, have greater weight than those of any living men.

Introduction, Sec. 17 - De architectura (The Ten Books On Architecture) (~ 15BC) - Book IX

In a word, the opinions of learned authors, though their bodily forms are absent, gain strength as time time goes on, and, when taking part in...

In a word, the opinions of learned authors, though their bodily forms are absent, gain strength as time time goes on, and, when taking part in...

In a word, the opinions of learned authors, though their bodily forms are absent, gain strength as time time goes on, and, when taking part in...

In a word, the opinions of learned authors, though their bodily forms are absent, gain strength as time time goes on, and, when taking part in...