The steps in front must be arranged so that there shall always be an odd number of them; for thus the right foot, with which one mounts the first step, will also be the first to reach the level of the temple itself.

Chapter IV, Sec. 4 - De architectura (The Ten Books On Architecture) (~ 15BC) - Book III

The steps in front must be arranged so that there shall always be an odd number of them; for thus the right foot, with which one mounts the first...

The steps in front must be arranged so that there shall always be an odd number of them; for thus the right foot, with which one mounts the first...

The steps in front must be arranged so that there shall always be an odd number of them; for thus the right foot, with which one mounts the first...

The steps in front must be arranged so that there shall always be an odd number of them; for thus the right foot, with which one mounts the first...