A great many people say we have language and imagination to posit creators, interveners, and agencies that we can't actually prove. And yet some people experience God within them—these experiences are not drawn-up hypotheses. It's possible those of us who don't feel God within them have deficient brains that aren't capable of such experiences; or alternatively, the people who experience these things have brains that somehow create them. As near as I can tell, the jury is out on that. I may be a non-theist who doesn't include a god concept in my religious orientation because I have an incompetent brain, or perhaps theists have brains giving them inaccurate information.

Science and Spirit interview (2004)

A great many people say we have language and imagination to posit creators, interveners, and agencies that we can't actually prove. And yet some...

A great many people say we have language and imagination to posit creators, interveners, and agencies that we can't actually prove. And yet some...

A great many people say we have language and imagination to posit creators, interveners, and agencies that we can't actually prove. And yet some...

A great many people say we have language and imagination to posit creators, interveners, and agencies that we can't actually prove. And yet some...