Travis Meeks Quote

Why I'm telling you this is because that's where this music comes from, that's where my art comes from. You're talking to a miracle; I am a miracle. I'm not halfway there, you know, dut-dut-dut-dut-da, drink a beer, hang out with my buddies, smoke a joint and get together with the band, wanna be a rock star; no. I am a very troubled individual who has been handed these obstacles in life, and overcome my fears to be honest with myself, so I can be honest with you. That's not exploitation, it's liberation.

"MUSIC ISSUE: You're talking to a miracle". LEO Weekly. 2008-07-16.

Why I'm telling you this is because that's where this music comes from, that's where my art comes from. You're talking to a miracle; I am a miracle....

Why I'm telling you this is because that's where this music comes from, that's where my art comes from. You're talking to a miracle; I am a miracle....

Why I'm telling you this is because that's where this music comes from, that's where my art comes from. You're talking to a miracle; I am a miracle....

Why I'm telling you this is because that's where this music comes from, that's where my art comes from. You're talking to a miracle; I am a miracle....