Timothy Levitch Quote

The men who build and design this park are transcendentalists. To them, Central Park is a place to become one with nature, to focus on trees, to scintillate with grass, to stare into one anothers' eyes. No sweating allowed in the original Central Park, no perspiration of any kind. Anyone you see congregating for the baseball game on the left, bicycling, rollerblading, jogging, they are not historically accurate. Anyone you see lounging in the sun, having a picnic, or kissing; They are historically accurate.

The Cruise (1998)

The men who build and design this park are transcendentalists. To them, Central Park is a place to become one with nature, to focus on trees, to...

The men who build and design this park are transcendentalists. To them, Central Park is a place to become one with nature, to focus on trees, to...

The men who build and design this park are transcendentalists. To them, Central Park is a place to become one with nature, to focus on trees, to...

The men who build and design this park are transcendentalists. To them, Central Park is a place to become one with nature, to focus on trees, to...