If you give way, you will instantly have to meet some greater demand, as having been frightened into obedience in the first instance; while a firm refusal will make them clearly understand that they must treat you more as equals.

Book I, 1.140- - History of the Peloponnesian War

If you give way, you will instantly have to meet some greater demand, as having been frightened into obedience in the first instance; while a firm...

If you give way, you will instantly have to meet some greater demand, as having been frightened into obedience in the first instance; while a firm...

If you give way, you will instantly have to meet some greater demand, as having been frightened into obedience in the first instance; while a firm...

If you give way, you will instantly have to meet some greater demand, as having been frightened into obedience in the first instance; while a firm...