I was mistaken for a prostitute once in the last war. When a GI asked me what I charged, I said, 'Well, dear, what do your mother and sisters normally ask for?'

in Independent 27 February 1999

I was mistaken for a prostitute once in the last war. When a GI asked me what I charged, I said, 'Well, dear, what do your mother and sisters...

I was mistaken for a prostitute once in the last war. When a GI asked me what I charged, I said, 'Well, dear, what do your mother and sisters...

I was mistaken for a prostitute once in the last war. When a GI asked me what I charged, I said, 'Well, dear, what do your mother and sisters...

I was mistaken for a prostitute once in the last war. When a GI asked me what I charged, I said, 'Well, dear, what do your mother and sisters...