In prosperous times the mercantile classes often realize fortunes, which go far towards securing them against the future; but unfortunately the working classes, though they share in the general prosperity, do not share in it so largely as in the general adversity.

Book II, Chapter I, On The Progress of Wealth, Section X, p. 437. - Principles of Political Economy (Second Edition 1836)

In prosperous times the mercantile classes often realize fortunes, which go far towards securing them against the future; but unfortunately the...

In prosperous times the mercantile classes often realize fortunes, which go far towards securing them against the future; but unfortunately the...

In prosperous times the mercantile classes often realize fortunes, which go far towards securing them against the future; but unfortunately the...

In prosperous times the mercantile classes often realize fortunes, which go far towards securing them against the future; but unfortunately the...