"You." A finger the size of a corncob, an inch from Slothrop's nose.
"Look," Slothrop's friend producing a kraft-paper envelope that even in the gloom Slothrop can tell is fat with American Army yellow-seal scrip, "I want you to hold this for me, till I ask for it back. It looks like Italo is going to get here before Tamara, and I'm not sure which one"
"At this rate, Tamara's gonna get here before tonight," Slothrop interjects in a Groucho Marx voice.
"Don't try to undermine my confidence in you," advises the Large One. "You're the man."

Gravity's Rainbow (1973)

You. A finger the size of a corncob, an inch from Slothrop's nose. ... Look, Slothrop's friend producing a kraft-paper envelope that even in the...

You. A finger the size of a corncob, an inch from Slothrop's nose. ... Look, Slothrop's friend producing a kraft-paper envelope that even in the...

You. A finger the size of a corncob, an inch from Slothrop's nose. ... Look, Slothrop's friend producing a kraft-paper envelope that even in the...

You. A finger the size of a corncob, an inch from Slothrop's nose. ... Look, Slothrop's friend producing a kraft-paper envelope that even in the...