I should have done violence to my convictions of duty, had I not made use of all the lawful means in my power to liberate those people, and assist them to become men and women, rather than leave them in the condition of chattels personal.

Said after his conviction (1848), as quoted in A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853) by Harriet Beecher Stowe, p. 55

I should have done violence to my convictions of duty, had I not made use of all the lawful means in my power to liberate those people, and assist...

I should have done violence to my convictions of duty, had I not made use of all the lawful means in my power to liberate those people, and assist...

I should have done violence to my convictions of duty, had I not made use of all the lawful means in my power to liberate those people, and assist...

I should have done violence to my convictions of duty, had I not made use of all the lawful means in my power to liberate those people, and assist...