The dominion of the sea, as it is an ancient and undoubted right of the crown of England, so it is the best security of the land…The wooden walls are the best walls of this kingdom.

Wooden walls = ships

speech to the Judges, 17 June 1635, in J. Rushworth Historical Collections (1680) vol. 2

The dominion of the sea, as it is an ancient and undoubted right of the crown of England, so it is the best security of the land…The wooden walls...

The dominion of the sea, as it is an ancient and undoubted right of the crown of England, so it is the best security of the land…The wooden walls...

The dominion of the sea, as it is an ancient and undoubted right of the crown of England, so it is the best security of the land…The wooden walls...

The dominion of the sea, as it is an ancient and undoubted right of the crown of England, so it is the best security of the land…The wooden walls...