The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.

Account of Matilda Joslyn Gage (20 June 1873) to Kansas Leavenworth Times (3 July 1873) - Trial on the charge of illegal voting (1874)

The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.

The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.

The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.

The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.