Stephen Tobolowsky Quote

[…] it seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who will sit there and wait.

Stephen Tobolowsky in a Facebook post on July 8, 2014.

[…] it seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who...

[…] it seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who...

[…] it seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who...

[…] it seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who...