Sri Aurobindo Quote

Safety lies in tending towards our highest and not in resting content with an inferior potentiality..... To rest in or follow after an inferior potentiality may seem safe, rational, comfortable, easy, but it ends badly, in some futility or in a mere circling down the abyss or in a stagnant morass. Our right and natural road is towards the summits.

Annual (ed. 1961)

Safety lies in tending towards our highest and not in resting content with an inferior potentiality..... To rest in or follow after an inferior...

Safety lies in tending towards our highest and not in resting content with an inferior potentiality..... To rest in or follow after an inferior...

Safety lies in tending towards our highest and not in resting content with an inferior potentiality..... To rest in or follow after an inferior...

Safety lies in tending towards our highest and not in resting content with an inferior potentiality..... To rest in or follow after an inferior...