In order to be exercised, the intelligence requires to be free to express itself without control by any authority. There must therefore be a domain of pure intellectual research, separate but accessible to all, where no authority intervenes.
The human soul has need of some solitude and privacy and also of some social life.
The human soul has need of both personal property and collective property.

Draft for a Statement of Human Obligation (1943) - Statement Of Obligations

In order to be exercised, the intelligence requires to be free to express itself without control by any authority. There must therefore be a domain...

In order to be exercised, the intelligence requires to be free to express itself without control by any authority. There must therefore be a domain...

In order to be exercised, the intelligence requires to be free to express itself without control by any authority. There must therefore be a domain...

In order to be exercised, the intelligence requires to be free to express itself without control by any authority. There must therefore be a domain...