Simone Weil Quote

No human being escapes the necessity of conceiving some good outside himself towards which his thought turns in a movement of desire, supplication, and hope. consequently, the only choice is between worshipping the true God or an idol. Every atheist is an idolater — unless he is worshipping the true God in his impersonal aspect. The majority of the pious are idolaters.

Last Notebook (1942) p. 308 - First and Last Notebooks (1970)

No human being escapes the necessity of conceiving some good outside himself towards which his thought turns in a movement of desire, supplication,...

No human being escapes the necessity of conceiving some good outside himself towards which his thought turns in a movement of desire, supplication,...

No human being escapes the necessity of conceiving some good outside himself towards which his thought turns in a movement of desire, supplication,...

No human being escapes the necessity of conceiving some good outside himself towards which his thought turns in a movement of desire, supplication,...