Shaker Abssi Quote

To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their supporters.

Sheik Shaker Al-'Absi, Leader of the Fath Al-Islam Organization in the Nahr Al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon: The Sunnis Will Be the Spearhead of the Fight against the Jews, Americans, and Their Supporters May 2007

To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their...

To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their...

To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their...

To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their...