"Dear robin," said this sad young flower,
"Perhaps you'd not mind trying
To find a nice white frill for me,
Some day when you are flying?" "You silly thing!" the robin said;
"I think you must be crazy!
I'd rather be my honest self
Than any made-up daisy. "You're nicer in your own bright gown,
The little children love you;
Be the best buttercup you can,
And think no flower above you. "Though swallows leave me out of sight,
We'd better keep our places;
Perhaps the world would all go wrong
With one too many daisies. "Look bravely up into the sky,
And be content with knowing
That God wished for a buttercup
Just here, where you are growing."

"Discontent", in St. Nicholas Magazine, Vol. 3 (February 1876), p. 247