Samuel R. Delany Quote

We're not going to climb that in the dark, are we? asked Iimmi.
Better than in the light, said Urson. This way you can't see how far you have to fall.

Chapter IX (p. 108) - The Jewels of Aptor (1962)

We're not going to climb that in the dark, are we? asked Iimmi. Better than in the light, said Urson. This way you can't see how far you have to fall.

We're not going to climb that in the dark, are we? asked Iimmi. Better than in the light, said Urson. This way you can't see how far you have to fall.

We're not going to climb that in the dark, are we? asked Iimmi. Better than in the light, said Urson. This way you can't see how far you have to fall.

We're not going to climb that in the dark, are we? asked Iimmi. Better than in the light, said Urson. This way you can't see how far you have to fall.