George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good thing that is told of him is, that he wished to restore the crown to its hereditary successor.

James Boswell Life of Samuel Johnson (1791) 6 April 1775

George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good thing that is told of him is,...

George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good thing that is told of him is,...

George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good thing that is told of him is,...

George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good thing that is told of him is,...