Samuel Johnson Quote

Long-expected one-and-twenty,
Ling'ring year, at length is flown;
Pride and pleasure, pomp and plenty,
Great [Sir John], are now your own.

James Boswell Life of Samuel Johnson (1791) December 1784

Long-expected one-and-twenty, Ling'ring year, at length is flown; Pride and pleasure, pomp and plenty, Great [Sir John], are now your own.

Long-expected one-and-twenty, Ling'ring year, at length is flown; Pride and pleasure, pomp and plenty, Great [Sir John], are now your own.

Long-expected one-and-twenty, Ling'ring year, at length is flown; Pride and pleasure, pomp and plenty, Great [Sir John], are now your own.

Long-expected one-and-twenty, Ling'ring year, at length is flown; Pride and pleasure, pomp and plenty, Great [Sir John], are now your own.