When I am dead I would rather people thought me better than I was instead of worse; but if they think me worse, I cannot help it and, if it matters at all, it will matter more to them than to me.

Apologia, i - The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912) - Part XXIV - The Life of the World to Come

When I am dead I would rather people thought me better than I was instead of worse; but if they think me worse, I cannot help it and, if it matters...

When I am dead I would rather people thought me better than I was instead of worse; but if they think me worse, I cannot help it and, if it matters...

When I am dead I would rather people thought me better than I was instead of worse; but if they think me worse, I cannot help it and, if it matters...

When I am dead I would rather people thought me better than I was instead of worse; but if they think me worse, I cannot help it and, if it matters...