Each human being is the actualization of an extremely improbable chance—in fact, a series of improbable chances, extending all the way back to the unique event that more than 3 billion years ago started life on the earth on its chancy course.

Life: the Unfinished Experiment (1973)

Each human being is the actualization of an extremely improbable chance—in fact, a series of improbable chances, extending all the way back to the...

Each human being is the actualization of an extremely improbable chance—in fact, a series of improbable chances, extending all the way back to the...

Each human being is the actualization of an extremely improbable chance—in fact, a series of improbable chances, extending all the way back to the...

Each human being is the actualization of an extremely improbable chance—in fact, a series of improbable chances, extending all the way back to the...