There is this first benefit from myths, that we have to search and do not have our minds idle.
That the myths are divine can be seen from those who have used them. Myths have been used by inspired poets, by the best of philosophers, by those who established the mysteries, and by the Gods themselves in oracles. But why the myths are divine it is the duty of philosophy to inquire. Since all existing things rejoice in that which is like them and reject that which is unlike, the stories about the Gods ought to be like the Gods, so that they may both be worthy of the divine essence and make the Gods well disposed to those who speak of them: which could only be done by means of myths.

III. Concerning myths; that they are divine, and why. - On the Gods and the Cosmos

There is this first benefit from myths, that we have to search and do not have our minds idle. That the myths are divine can be seen from those who...

There is this first benefit from myths, that we have to search and do not have our minds idle. That the myths are divine can be seen from those who...

There is this first benefit from myths, that we have to search and do not have our minds idle. That the myths are divine can be seen from those who...

There is this first benefit from myths, that we have to search and do not have our minds idle. That the myths are divine can be seen from those who...