Rufus Jones Quote

Most persons are awakened and set on their new track of life through the quickening and kindling power of some person who becomes for them the instrument of inspiration and of the creation of faith and the vision of a nobler way of life. Persons are set on fire by someone who is already aflame. It is a trumpet call to high adventure that starts the forward movements away from old forms.
That is one of the greatest stories in the long history of religion. It was through a long and wonderful circuit of souls, in a succession of forerunners, that the kindling idea of Something of God in the soul of man came to George Fox.

What Will Get Us Ready (1944)

Most persons are awakened and set on their new track of life through the quickening and kindling power of some person who becomes for them the...

Most persons are awakened and set on their new track of life through the quickening and kindling power of some person who becomes for them the...

Most persons are awakened and set on their new track of life through the quickening and kindling power of some person who becomes for them the...

Most persons are awakened and set on their new track of life through the quickening and kindling power of some person who becomes for them the...