Rudyard Kipling Quote

He did his best to interest the girl in himself—that is to say, his work—and she, after the manner of women, did her best to appear interested in, what behind his back, she called "Mr. Wressley's Wajahs"; for she lisped very prettily. She did not understand one little thing about them, but she acted as if she did. Men have married on that sort of error before now.

Wressley of the Foreign Office. - Plain Tales from the Hills (1888)

Plain Tales from the Hills/Wressley of the Foreign Office

He did his best to interest the girl in himself—that is to say, his work—and she, after the manner of women, did her best to appear interested...

He did his best to interest the girl in himself—that is to say, his work—and she, after the manner of women, did her best to appear interested...

He did his best to interest the girl in himself—that is to say, his work—and she, after the manner of women, did her best to appear interested...

He did his best to interest the girl in himself—that is to say, his work—and she, after the manner of women, did her best to appear interested...