Rousas John Rushdoony - Christian Quotes 15 Sourced Quotes
I was told by a teacher in the Deep South once when I spoke on the necessity for Christian education at the request of the pastor, it was a hostile congregation, they did not like the fact that their pastor was strong for a Christian school, and one person after another at the door told me 'well, you, of course, are not southern, you don't know the south. This is the Deep South, every person in our schools, every teacher is a born again Christian'. After everyone was gone, this teacher had been standing, watching, came up and said 'they don't know what they're talking about. We may be born again Christians, but our textbooks that we are required to stick to are anti-Christian to the core'. Rousas John Rushdoony
A [further] aspect [of homosexuality] is the hatred of God's reality, an insistence on wars against reality, in living in a world of make believe. As a result, the theater is the natural element of these people. Some scholars, again not Christian, have pointed out there has been by-and-large a strong homosexual control of the theater, in varying degrees in different times, from the days of the Romans. But part and parcel of this homosexual control of the theater has been the delight in prostituting women, in using them and abusing them for the sheer delight of showing their contempt for them. Now this is homosexual culture, described by people who are not hostile to it, and in fact sometimes have some good things to say for it. Rousas John Rushdoony