I remember when I was young, in the north, they went to the grammar school little children: they came from thence great lubbers: always learning, and little profiting: learning without book everything, understanding within the book little or nothing.

The Schoolmaster (ed. 1711)

I remember when I was young, in the north, they went to the grammar school little children: they came from thence great lubbers: always learning, and ...

I remember when I was young, in the north, they went to the grammar school little children: they came from thence great lubbers: always learning, and ...

I remember when I was young, in the north, they went to the grammar school little children: they came from thence great lubbers: always learning, and ...

I remember when I was young, in the north, they went to the grammar school little children: they came from thence great lubbers: always learning, and ...