Robert Porter Allen Quote

When you sit crouched in a blind and watch an adult (whooping crane) stride close by you, his head high and proud, his bearing arrogant and imposing, you feel the presence of a strength and of a stubborn will to survive...

The Whooping Crane - Preface (p. iv), National Audubon Society. 1952

When you sit crouched in a blind and watch an adult (whooping crane) stride close by you, his head high and proud, his bearing arrogant and imposing, ...

When you sit crouched in a blind and watch an adult (whooping crane) stride close by you, his head high and proud, his bearing arrogant and imposing, ...

When you sit crouched in a blind and watch an adult (whooping crane) stride close by you, his head high and proud, his bearing arrogant and imposing, ...

When you sit crouched in a blind and watch an adult (whooping crane) stride close by you, his head high and proud, his bearing arrogant and imposing, ...