The mythos. The mythos is insane. That's what he believed. The mythos that says the forms of this world are real but the Quality of this world is unreal, that is insane!

Ch. 28 - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)

The mythos. The mythos is insane. That's what he believed. The mythos that says the forms of this world are real but the Quality of this world is...

The mythos. The mythos is insane. That's what he believed. The mythos that says the forms of this world are real but the Quality of this world is...

The mythos. The mythos is insane. That's what he believed. The mythos that says the forms of this world are real but the Quality of this world is...

The mythos. The mythos is insane. That's what he believed. The mythos that says the forms of this world are real but the Quality of this world is...