Robert Charles Wilson Quote

But you're a Philosopher! Julian exclaimed at one point. This is Philosophy, not Religion, since you rule out supernatural beings—you know that as well as I do!
I suppose it is Philosophy, looked at from one angle, Stepney conceded. But there's no money in Philosophy, Julian. Religion is far more lucrative as a career.

p. 338 - Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (2009)

But you're a Philosopher! Julian exclaimed at one point. This is Philosophy, not Religion, since you rule out supernatural beings—you know that as...

But you're a Philosopher! Julian exclaimed at one point. This is Philosophy, not Religion, since you rule out supernatural beings—you know that as...

But you're a Philosopher! Julian exclaimed at one point. This is Philosophy, not Religion, since you rule out supernatural beings—you know that as...

But you're a Philosopher! Julian exclaimed at one point. This is Philosophy, not Religion, since you rule out supernatural beings—you know that as...