Perpetual peace is a dream, he said, as much as we may yearn for it—but war! War is an integral part of God's ordering of the universe, without which the world would be swamped in selfishness and materialism. War is the very vessel of honor, and who of us could endure a world without the divine folly of honor? That faith is especially true and adorable which leads a soldier to throw away his life in obedience to a blindly accepted duty, in a cause he little understands, during a campaign of which he has little notion, under tactics of which he does not see the use. On the field of battle, where a man lives or dies by the caprice of a bullet or the verdict of a bayonet, life is at its best and healthiest.

p. 246 (spoken by the tyrannical president Deklan Comstock) - Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (2009)

Perpetual peace is a dream, he said, as much as we may yearn for it—but war! War is an integral part of God's ordering of the universe, without...

Perpetual peace is a dream, he said, as much as we may yearn for it—but war! War is an integral part of God's ordering of the universe, without...

Perpetual peace is a dream, he said, as much as we may yearn for it—but war! War is an integral part of God's ordering of the universe, without...

Perpetual peace is a dream, he said, as much as we may yearn for it—but war! War is an integral part of God's ordering of the universe, without...