Robert A. Heinlein Quote

At the time I wrote Methuselah's Children I was still politically quite naive and still had hopes that various libertarian notions could be put over by political processes… It [now] seems to me that every time we manage to establish one freedom, they take another one away. Maybe two. And that seems to me characteristic of a society as it gets older, and more crowded, and higher taxes, and more laws.

The Robert Heinlein Interview, and other Heinleiniana (1973) by J. Neil Schulman (published in 1990)

At the time I wrote Methuselah's Children I was still politically quite naive and still had hopes that various libertarian notions could be put over...

At the time I wrote Methuselah's Children I was still politically quite naive and still had hopes that various libertarian notions could be put over...

At the time I wrote Methuselah's Children I was still politically quite naive and still had hopes that various libertarian notions could be put over...

At the time I wrote Methuselah's Children I was still politically quite naive and still had hopes that various libertarian notions could be put over...