The diligence, candour, and judgment requisite to make a full use of this discoveries of others, are perhaps as rare, and quite as useful, as originality. The flint and steel would be of little use without the tinder and match.

In: Elizabeth Jane Whatley, Miscellaneous Remains from the Commonplace Book of Richard, Whately, D.D, Apothegm 19

The diligence, candour, and judgment requisite to make a full use of this discoveries of others, are perhaps as rare, and quite as useful, as...

The diligence, candour, and judgment requisite to make a full use of this discoveries of others, are perhaps as rare, and quite as useful, as...

The diligence, candour, and judgment requisite to make a full use of this discoveries of others, are perhaps as rare, and quite as useful, as...

The diligence, candour, and judgment requisite to make a full use of this discoveries of others, are perhaps as rare, and quite as useful, as...