The problem is rather that many African states lack the capacity to establish the crucial conditions for capital accumulation and, additionally, act in economically irrational ways. This nondevelopmental or even antidevelopmental thrust is manifest in the mismanagement, inefficiency, and pervasive corruption of the public sector as well as political instability and the inability to prevent widespread evasion of laws and regulations.

p. 321 - The State and Economic Stagnation in Tropical Africa

The problem is rather that many African states lack the capacity to establish the crucial conditions for capital accumulation and, additionally, act...

The problem is rather that many African states lack the capacity to establish the crucial conditions for capital accumulation and, additionally, act...

The problem is rather that many African states lack the capacity to establish the crucial conditions for capital accumulation and, additionally, act...

The problem is rather that many African states lack the capacity to establish the crucial conditions for capital accumulation and, additionally, act...