Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth either as necessary supplements, or as beauties and ornaments thereof; then an intellectual, consisting in those things which none underneath man is either capable of or acquainted with; lastly a spiritual and divine, consisting in those things whereunto we tend by supernatural means here, but cannot here attain unto them.

The Works of that Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker, (ed. 1723)

Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth either as necessary supplements, or...

Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth either as necessary supplements, or...

Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth either as necessary supplements, or...

Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth either as necessary supplements, or...