In general, success tends to breed slack. One of the main consequences of slack is a muting of problems of resource scarcity. Slack provides a source of funds for innovations that would not be approved in the case of scarcity but that have strong subgroup support.

p. 189; cited in: Pitelis, C. "A Note on Cyert and March (1963) and Penrose (1959): A Case for Synergy," at, 2006. - A behavioral theory of the firm, 1959

In general, success tends to breed slack. One of the main consequences of slack is a muting of problems of resource scarcity. Slack provides a source ...

In general, success tends to breed slack. One of the main consequences of slack is a muting of problems of resource scarcity. Slack provides a source ...

In general, success tends to breed slack. One of the main consequences of slack is a muting of problems of resource scarcity. Slack provides a source ...

In general, success tends to breed slack. One of the main consequences of slack is a muting of problems of resource scarcity. Slack provides a source ...