The sun, a globe of fire, a glowing mass, Hotter than melting flint, or fluid glass, Of this our system holds the middle place.

Creation: A Philosophical Poem, in Seven Books (p. 94), Robert Johnson. 1806

The sun, a globe of fire, a glowing mass, Hotter than melting flint, or fluid glass, Of this our system holds the middle place.

The sun, a globe of fire, a glowing mass, Hotter than melting flint, or fluid glass, Of this our system holds the middle place.

The sun, a globe of fire, a glowing mass, Hotter than melting flint, or fluid glass, Of this our system holds the middle place.

The sun, a globe of fire, a glowing mass, Hotter than melting flint, or fluid glass, Of this our system holds the middle place.