Almost 50 million of the country's 70 million population are young people under 30 years. They have access to information about what is going on in the world. They understand just how bad are the things now occurring in Iran. I think soon my countrymen will realize that the present regime does not care about ordinary people but cares exclusively for itself. Besides, we have opposition cells throughout the world, since many Iranians left their homeland after the revolution. With them, as well as with the opposition inside the country, we are in close contact.

As quoted by Nadezhda Popova, Reza Pahalavi, Son Of The Last Shah Of Iran: No War Is Needed – We Will Topple This Regime Ourselves, Izvetsiya, May 29, 2006.

Almost 50 million of the country's 70 million population are young people under 30 years. They have access to information about what is going on in...

Almost 50 million of the country's 70 million population are young people under 30 years. They have access to information about what is going on in...

Almost 50 million of the country's 70 million population are young people under 30 years. They have access to information about what is going on in...

Almost 50 million of the country's 70 million population are young people under 30 years. They have access to information about what is going on in...