Why does God allow evil? – quite simply, because if He punished it immediately I'm sure we would have been snuffed out the moment we were born. God says our very thoughts are an abomination to him. If He punished sin immediately, there would be no one left.

Cults, Sects and Questions (c. 1979)

Why does God allow evil? – quite simply, because if He punished it immediately I'm sure we would have been snuffed out the moment we were born. God ...

Why does God allow evil? – quite simply, because if He punished it immediately I'm sure we would have been snuffed out the moment we were born. God ...

Why does God allow evil? – quite simply, because if He punished it immediately I'm sure we would have been snuffed out the moment we were born. God ...

Why does God allow evil? – quite simply, because if He punished it immediately I'm sure we would have been snuffed out the moment we were born. God ...